Welcome to my corner of the psychometrics world!
I’m Katrina, and I’m a psychometrician with a background in psychology and cognitive neuroscience. I’ve been working in this field for several years, developing and maintaining psychometric instruments used internationally in recruitment and staff development.
This blog started as a personal notebook, a way for me to log my thoughts and insights on psychometrics and related interests. It’s been a way for me to disrupt myself, challenge my assumptions, and learn new things along the way. It has also become an experiment in using openai in synthesizing information and creating the curated content I want to read myself!
I’m not here to claim expertise or present myself as a know-it-all. Each post is a reflection of my personal experiences, insights, and struggles on the subject, as well as notes that are helpful in my own journey. And yes, most pictures are ai generated from text using prompts that speak to what I want to convey in the post. My first attempts are using Microsoft Bing´s Image Creator.
But this blog is not just about me. It’s also about you, the reader. I want to hear your stories, experiences, and perspectives.
So, please share your thought. Let’s explore the world of psychometrics together, with open minds and humble hearts.